Mixed-use / Dallas, Texas DeShazo Group has provided traffic engineering and parking analysis and design services to the Dallas Galleria for nearly thirty years. This development contains a regional mall, offices, hotel, and restaurants. Our firm provided planning guidance for the development of the center and assisted the developer in obtaining the initial parking variance. At that time, the Dallas Development Code did not recognize mixed-use developments. We surveyed the Houston Galleria over a two-week period and developed a model for the parking needs of the Dallas Galleria. Our analysis was used to justify the initial parking variance. Our firm has designed numerous traffic signals around the perimeter of the mall, consulted on highway guide signing, prepared traffic impact and parking demand studies and provided functional parking designs in conjunction with expansions. The firm assisted the Dallas Galleria in 2003 with its expansion plan. DeShazo conducted a site access and circulation study as well as a parking needs study. The firm then recommended modification to the parking to optimize access, circulation and supply, and recommended signage for the modified parking design of the different garages at the mall. |