Community Planning / Pflugerville, Texas DeShazo Group was a member on a team of professionals selected by the City of Pflugerville to update the city’s Comprehensive Plan. This plan is the principle guide for daily planning decisions regarding growth and regulation of current and future development within the city limits and the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The Comprehensive Plan guides all development regulations including, but not limited to, land use and related maps, subdivisions and site plans, roadway plans, public improvements, public utility projects, public facilities, and all city regulatory actions relating to land use, subdivision and development. The firm's responsibility in the update process was the development of the transportation element which includes the Master Thoroughfare Plan, recommended roadway cross-sections, basic design standards and the transportation-related policies contained within the Comprehensive Plan. The firm worked closely with the City Planning Department, the Pflugerville Development Corporation and other agencies to address the city’s traffic-engineering-related issues. Through a series of community outreach meetings and in-depth interviews, existing conditions were assessed and future transportation-related needs and objectives were identified. DeShazo Group evaluated these needs and recommended practices and facilities to address them. These efforts included: • developing a general classification of transportation facilities to identify those which are most needed to support future growth; • reviewing current access management policies and identifying areas for improvement; • developing context-sensitive transportation designs that support the City’s development, economic growth and quality of life objectives; • reviewing street and pedestrian standards for such things as "natural speed control", desirable walking distances and safety; • evaluating the potential role of public transportation, such as bus or rail service; and finally, • preparing transportation-related policies and phasing strategies for new or supplemental aspects to the transportation system. |