SMU Residential Commons
UT Southwestern Medical Center UT San Antonio Roundabout Midwestern State University Texas A&M University College Station Pedestrian Passageway and Garage University of North Texas Denton Texas Tech HSC Amarillo TAMU Commerce UTHSC San Antonio TAMU Law School FTW Texas Tech HSC Lubbock |
Higher Education/College Station, Texas DeShazo Group, Inc. provided transportation planning and design services for a 3,800-space parking garage and pedestrian passageway for Texas A&M University. The garage is designed to serve the needs of students during the week and campus visitors attending football games at Kyle Field and events at Reed Arena in the evenings and on weekends. The parking management/control system for the garage incorporated Intelligent Transportation (IT) strategies to permit communication via changeable message signs at each of the four access drives to advise parkers of the status of available parking on each level of the seven-level garage. The pedestrian passageway is an underpass connecting the main campus to the rapidly expanding west campus where the garage is located. Both were planned and designed to serve the Kyle Field Football stadium, allowing multiple modes of pedestrian traffic to cross a five-lane, undivided roadway with no interference. DeShazo Group was retained to assist in the traffic-related aspects of the planning and design process for the facility. In the preliminary design stages, DeShazo compiled a list of design standards for a variety of transportation modes including bicycle and passenger shuttle vehicles. Analysis was also provided concerning the capacity of the passageway during various events for a number of cross-sections. Recommendations to the University concluded that the proposed 60-foot width for the passageway would be able to accommodate the worst-case demand during a 30-minute time period. In addition to demand and capacity analyses, DeShazo provided assistance in ensuring that the passageway met all Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. Also, DeShazo worked with the University to determine the optimal cross-section inside of the passageway that would minimize traffic flow conflicts and provide the most safety both for persons utilizing the passageway as well as those persons in the vicinity of the passageway access locations. The project team was awarded Second Prize by the International Parking Institute for this project. |