K-12 / Dallas, Texas Masterplan Consultants, on behalf of the Dallas Independent School District retained the services of DeShazo Group to conduct a traffic impact analysis (TIA) for the Thelma Richardson Elementary School, a public school designed to accommodate up to 850 students. The site is located on Bruton Road between Mack Lane and Hillburn Drive in the city of Dallas, Texas. Access to the site would be provided from Bruton Road via five site driveways (primarily the two, easternmost driveways). The subject site was currently zoned under SUP 142 and was undeveloped. Initial occupancy was estimated to occur by fall of 2013. The findings of the analysis were used in their submittal for a zoning change request for the project. It was determined that the proposed redevelopment would generate a moderate impact to the existing traffic operational conditions and that this traffic could be accommodated by the current roadway network. The firm recommended, however, that an eastbound, left-turn lane be constructed on Bruton Road at School Driveway 3. |