Master Plans / Dallas, Texas DeShazo Group was invited to assist the design team lead by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill of Chicago, Illinois, in developing a master plan for the future campus of Parkland Hospital. The campus, located within the Dallas Medical District, is home to other burgeoning medical institutions such as the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and the Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. The new Parkland campus will be directly served by future light rail transit (LRT) and a new internal street system. Design of the future campus was very urban in nature, celebrating the interaction of pedestrians, transit, and automobiles with a dense grid of streets. Special accommodations were made to facilitate inter-institutional traffic via overhead pedestrian bridges, street-running shuttle services, and connector roadways. The firm was heavily involved developing LRT and bus transit facility alternatives as well as developing roadway and access designs that would be compatible with future development traffic conditions. |